14th July 2016
This post is part of a series covering the exercises from Andrew Ng's machine
learning [https://www.coursera.org/course/ml] class on Coursera. The original
code, exercise text, and data files for this post are available here
26th June 2016
This post is part of a series covering the exercises from Andrew Ng's machine
learning [https://www.coursera.org/course/ml] class on Coursera. The original
code, exercise text, and data files for this post are available here
30th May 2016
This post is part of a series covering the exercises from Andrew Ng's machine
learning [https://www.coursera.org/course/ml] class on Coursera. The original
code, exercise text, and data files for this post are available here
9th May 2016
Dynamic programming is a really useful general technique for solving problems
that involves breaking down problems into smaller overlapping sub-problems,
storing the results computed from the sub-problems and reusing those results…
6th April 2016
A quick note for anyone interested in deep learning - I've been working through
Google's deep learning class on Udacity
[https://www.udacity.com/course/deep-learning--ud730] and posted (most of) the
assignments on my IPyt…