2nd April 2017
The "big data" technology landscape is changing really, really fast. One
consequence of this is that it's hard to find good training resources since they
become outdated so quickly. I wanted to get some baseline comf…
15th August 2015
Spark is currently one of the hottest open source projects in the big data
space, even eclipsing Hadoop in terms of excitement. Originally a Berkley AMPlab
project, Spark became a top-level Apache project early last year and has b…
11th April 2015
Anyone that’s paying attention to the “big data” buzz these days is probably
aware of just how hot Hadoop is right now. In fact the hype is so great, and the
market so untapped, that adoption is expected to increase 25-fold over t…
15th March 2015
I think it's a fairly well-accepted observation that we're in the middle of a
cloud computing revolution. The cloud is making businesses more agile, lowering
the barrier to entry for start-ups, driving seamless user experi…
1st January 2015
If you've never come across the term "reactive programming" before, or have
never heard the word "reactive" mentioned in a software development context, you
may be forgiven for being in the dark on the subj…